900 Avatars! Oh My!
Well, as my last post indicated I’ve been negligent in posting here, but I hope to rectify that as the semester proceeds. Today’s post is really to serve as a baseline marker on my sanity to look back on as the weeks and months flow by.
As of the last count this morning I have 929 students registered for my financial accounting course at the University of Central Florida. I have had 75 new and returning avatars visit Really Engaging Accounting in Second Lifeâ„¢ just this past week and class starts today! I’ve had 111 students register their names (real, Second Lifeâ„¢ and Twitter) already. I will spend this week giving an orientation for as many students as I can on the use of the tools I’ve built for them. I’ve asked and received permission to use CPA Island 2 as an overflow area in case Really Engaging Accounting is not accessible from avatar overload.
I am currently taking a wait and see approach (crazy huh) to determine how the students use SL and when. It could be that they all use at different times. Though at any one point I expect it to be very busy, hopefully the load will not overburden the sim. If students are unable to log-in because the sim is full, option 1 will be to use CPA island 2. If that’s not enough, option 2, using my private land will kick in, and if that’s not enough I will most likely let students opt out of Second Life (but so far that’s my last resort).
Well feel free to leave comments wishing me luck, or recommendations for good cocktails to get me through the next 4 months.
Humbly, your Head Bean Counter