Impromptu Tour
The Maryland State Society of CPA’s held a conference today on education “A Second Life for the Classroom” and one session was held to showcase Second Life. The Maryland State Society has two islands in Second Life, and is hoping to create an area on their CPA Island II where educators can collaborate. To that end they’ve created an area where colleges can create a kiosk with links to web sites and landmarks to in-world areas.
The session was hosted by Rocky Maddaloni and Bean Wollogong. Bean suggested that education in Second Life is like a “snowflake on a mountain”, but they hope to increase this with CPA Island II. Zee Linden (CFO of Linden Labs) was in attendance and in an aside thought how great it would be to conduct CPE sessions in Second Life – I’d have to agree.
During the session, I was able to take about 20 avatars to my class in Teaching 4, and show them the interactive models I’ve been using. There were ~ 60 people attending from the Maryland physical location and they were able to join the tour as well. They seemed interested in the potential of Second Life for both business and education.
Overall this was a fun outing, and shows the incredible capabilities of Virtual Words for business communications. Attendees from within and without Second Life were able to come together (and for my small part, on short notice) see demonstrations and hear ideas of what can be done.
Great recap and I think it was a great presentation. Our educators thoroughly enjoyed the presentation and many asked for more information and for us to put this on the agenda again for next year. you can see our post at our blog about Second Life Thanks for taking us the tour!